How to send a Mina transaction with Clorio wallet
Sending transactions with Clorio is easy. To send your Mina Protocol tokens with Clorio wallet, follow this instructions.
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Sending transactions with Clorio is easy. To send your Mina Protocol tokens with Clorio wallet, follow this instructions.
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So you want to send a Mina transaction? With Clorio wallet is easy.
First of all, you have to log in to your wallet. Head to or open Clorio App and select Access with Private key.
Insert your Private key or Mnemonic to log-in to your wallet. Once the input field is filled, the button Access the wallet will be enabled, allowing you to access your wallet.
On the left-side-menu click on Send TX item.
You will be brought to a new page, where you can fill the fields for the transaction.
Recipient - Mandatory: Insert the Public Key of the recipient
Memo - Optional: Insert a message that will be attached to the transaction
Amount - Mandatory: Insert the amount of Mina that you want to sent
Fee - Mandatory: Select a fee, the confirmation speed of this transaction will be based on the selected fee. The higher the fee, the higher the possibility of your transaction being included in the next block. You have the possibility to select the fee from two default values (Fast or Average) or insert your own. Usually, the average fee is just good.
Once you click on the Preview button, you will be asked to preview and sign the transaction.
Congratulations, you have broadcasted a transaction to the network. Clicking on the left side menu Overview you can view the status of your transactions, as shown by the screenshot below.